How to find Saharee and Iftar times in your area?

Do you know when is Saharee (Suhoor) and Iftar times in your local area? No worries! Use IslamicFinder website to print your Ramadan 2019 calendar by visiting: You can also see Saharee and iftar time for today here.   Don’t forget to share this post and get good deeds!

Afghan SIV Programs Explained

Afghans can apply for two different SIV programs. One is for translators and interpreters who worked for or on behalf of the U.S. government and is limited to 50 principal applicant visas each year. This is also called SI category visa. More information on this program can be found here: The second program is for Afghans who have worked …

Preparation advice for new life in America

I had a Afghan interpreter guest last night from Los Angeles. He wanted to pass the following short advice to those waiting in Afghanistan for their visa and how to better prepare themselves for new life in America. 1. Work on improving your English skills. Learn to write and speak English at the professional level as much as possible. Continue …